Making Washington Terrace City a Better Place, One Construction Project at a Time.
300 West Road Reconstruction
300 West Construction Update 8/28/2024
Construction is scheduled to be completed by October 1st
Please watch for new traffic routes and detours as construction progresses.
300 West construction progress update:
Asphalt from 4900 S. to 4400 S. Complete
Remove and replace the subgrade from 4400 S. to the Riverdale border. Complete
What’s next?
Asphalt from 4400 S. to the Riverdale border 9/3rd-4th
Raise the Manholes and water valves from 4400 S to Riverdale border 9/5
Open 4400 S. to traffic 9/6
Close 5000 S 300 W intersection 9/9
Remove and replace subgrade from 4900 S. to 5000 S.
Install new curb and gutter and sidewalk
Asphalt from 4900 S. 5000 S.
Raise Manholes and water valves between 4900 S. 5000 S.
Update 8/19/2024
Please watch for new traffic routes and detours as construction progresses.
300 west roadway reconstruction progress updates:
- Storm Drain installation is nearly complete
- Subgrade and asphalt between 4900 S. to 4400 S. is complete
- ADA ramps, curb and gutter and sidewalk complete between 4900 S to 4400 S
What’s next:
- Remove and replace the subgrade and asphalt from 4400 S. to the Riverdale border
- Remove and replace the curb and gutter, driveways and sections of the sidewalk between 4900 S. and 5000 S.
- Install subgrade between 4900 S. to 5000 S
- Asphalt 4900 S to 5000 S.
Update 7/9/2024
As everyone knows, road construction and underground utility work can be challenging with unforeseen obstacles that may slow performance down. Preparing for these obstacles helps the construction crews stay on schedule while managing all the challenges that come with construction.
300 West Roadway Reconstruction Progress to date:
- Excavated and removed the subgrade material between 4400 S. to 5000 S.
- Installed the structural fabric and structural fill for the road subgrade between 4400 s. to approximately 4900 S.
- Started ADA ramp removal and prep for replacement
- Installed storm drainpipe between 4850 S. to 4800 S.
What’s next:
- Continue installing the subgrade between 4400 S. to 5000 S.
- Remove and replace the storm drainpipe between 4800 S. to 5000 S.
- Continue to remove and replace ADA ramps.
Removing and replacing the storm drainpipe may restrict driveway access during the day in the area. For your safety and others please plan accordingly as construction crews are working as quick and efficient as possible.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience with making this a successful project.
The 300 West roadway from 5000 South to the Riverdale border. (approx. 4300 South) is scheduled to be replaced starting June 10, 2024 and is anticipated to be completed by October 1st, 2024.
300 West is a main corridor through Washington Terrace. It is highly traveled and requires a high level of maintenance. Reconstructing 300 West will ensure longevity, safety, and reduce future repair costs.
The scope of the project will include:
- Removing and replacing the asphalt road section. This will require excavating out approximately 14” of the road and replacing it with structural file and new asphalt.
- Replacing various sections of curb and gutter to improve surface drainage.
- Replacing various sections of sidewalk and eliminating trip hazards.
- Replacing ADA approaches to meet the ADA standards.
- Upgrading the storm drain piping between 5000 South and 4800 South to provide better storm water drainage in the area.
Reconstructing 300 West is going to be a major project that will require several road closures and detours throughout the project. Resident and emergency vehicle access will be maintained during construction. Residents will be notified by door hanger of any construction that may deny access to your residence.
Project Funding
The estimated cost to complete this project is $3.7 million dollars. The City has received a federal grant to support much of the overall project cost, meaning that the City will be responsible for only 7.25% of the estimated cost. These funds will come from utility fees and other general funds.
Q. When is construction scheduled to start?
A. Construction is scheduled to start April 1st (weather permitting).
Q. When is the project scheduled to be completed?
A. The project is scheduled to be completed by October 1st, 2024.
Q. Will I be able to access my driveway during construction.
A. Yes, although sections of the road will be closed to thru traffic, local resident and emergency vehicle access will remain during construction. If construction denies access to your driveway, you will be notified by a city representative and/or an information door hanger.
Q. Can I park on the street during construction?
A. For the safety of your vehicle and the construction crew on the street parking will be restricted during construction.
Q. Will I receive my mail and deliveries during construction?
A. Yes, the post office will be able to deliver your mail and packages. If your mailbox is not accessible an attempt will be made the next day.
Q. Will I have garbage service during construction?
A. Yes, your cooperation will be needed to maintain garbage service by putting your container out the morning of and removing your container as soon as possible after it is dumped. There may be times your container will have to be placed on the opposite side of the road. You will be notified by door hanger if you are affected.
Q. Will the UTA run on 300 W. during construction?
A. The UTA bus route will follow the traffic detour route.
Q. Will my water be interrupted during construction?
A. The portion of this project that involved the replacement of culinary water lines has been completed. There is no expectation of any further water shut-offs.
300 West Water Line Project - COMPLETED
The culinary water line project on 300 W is complete! The necessary connections to the existing culinary water system have been finished and active construction on the project has ceased. There are no further water shutoffs or road closures expected as part of that project. The excavated sections of the 300 W roadway used to access the water pipes have been filled and smoothed, some with temporary asphalt. They will be repaved as part of the 300 W road reconstruction project anticipated to start June 2024.
300 West Water Line Construction
The culinary water line on 300 West between 5000 South and 4800 South was under construction.
The scope of the project:
- Replace the existing 6” pipe with a 10” PVC pipe.
- Replace all service pipes from the main pipe to the meter. The service pipe from the meter to the homes will NOT be replaced.
- Replace the fire hydrant(s) in the area.
During construction, sections of 300 West will be required to be closed to install the new water main safely and efficiently.
Please respect all traffic control signs and detours.
Temporary water shutoffs will be required to make the proper connections. Residents will be notified 24 hours prior to the water shutoff. Water disruptions will be typically between the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Emergency situations will require the water to be shut off immediately without notification. The water will be restored as soon as possible.
For residents in the construction area, garbage and mail service will remain as scheduled.
2024 Road Maintenance
2024 Annual Street Maintenance Projects
Routine street maintenance will prolong the life of the Remaining Service Life of the street.
Washington Terrace City has several street maintenance projects planned for this summer. Routine street maintenance is a proactive method to preserve and prolong the Remaining Service Life (RSL) of the streets.
Asphalt preservation treatment could consist of:
- Chip Seal
- Crack seal
- Slurry seal
- Pothole patching
- Asphalt overlay
- Asphalt remove and replace
Each street has been analyzed and prioritized for what type of treatment and when it needs to be treated. Applying the right treatment at the right time will increase the RSL.
The street maintenance applications typically take 1-2 days to apply. Residents in the area will be notified prior to construction and there will be no parking on the street during the construction. Not having to work around parked vehicles and obstacles in the street will ensure a quality project and safety for the construction crew and personal property.
AMI Water Meter Antenna Installation
What is AMI?
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) refers to radio-communication enabled meters that provide precise measurements and transmit data in near real time, eliminating the need for drive by readings. The meter will transmit encrypted, hourly water readings to reception towers and from there to the City and your customizable, data driven, water report. Simple. Reliable. Smart.
How will installation impact you?
You may notice the Public Works crew working in your meter box while they replace the antenna system. The change in the system will be seamless and will not interrupt water delivery or meter information being submitted for utility billing. You can help by ensuring your meter lid and meter box is clear of “roses”, shrubs, or other obstacles.
Why is the City converting water meters to AMI?
- Accurate and Real-time Data
AMI water meters provide precise measurements and transmit data in near real time, eliminating the need for drive by readings. This will continue accurate billing and facilitate prompt leak detection, reducing water waste and associated costs.
- Consumer Empowerment
In 2025 the AMI water metering system will empower residents by providing them with access to their consumption data. This information allows individuals to track their water usage, identify inefficiencies, and adopt water-saving practices, leading to reduced consumption and lower utility bills. The customer portal will be rolled out following the installation and programming of the new system.
When is the AMI conversion taking place?
AMI conversion will be starting in June 2023 and should be complete by 2025. Meters across the City will be grouped in geographic sections and converted sequentially during that time. Once the installation project has begun, information showing what area is undergoing active AMI conversion can be seen at
Where are conversion funds coming from?
Over 60% of the AMI conversion cost is being covered by Community Block Development Grant (CBDG) funds with the remnant met by City funds.
Smart Meters = Smart Customer Portal
- What will the new portal do?
The new, web-based customer portal will allow you to track your hourly, monthly, and yearly water use, set up customizable usage threshold alerts to ping you via email or text as you near a pre-set amount, manage your account, and more. All from the convenience of your phone or other internet enabled device.
- When will the new customer portal be available?
The new customer portal will be launched for public use once meter conversion is complete Citywide, probably 2025. In the meantime, your water usage will be tracked (using AMI after installation) and billed according to the current system.
Will AMI protect my information?
AMI equipment does not "know" how water is used. It has no access to appliance information in the home. Like the meters currently in use, it tracks and transmits the total amount of culinary water used at a location, but gathers no information about the uses to which that water is put.
When the AMI meter sends data from your home or organization to the water utility, it is encrypted with a random, unique key. This means that only a location with the appropriate key can receive and interpret the information.
Sensus AMI meters operate on a licensed radio spectrum that is dedicated to utility applications. Sensus maintains that this method offers a number of benefits. " one without a license is legally allowed to transmit in the band or send their own data. As a result, it is much easier to detect and intercept attempted intrusions, as there are no other competing systems or interfering communications. Additionally, the wireless technology isn’t available for hackers to order through the internet and plug in at home, discouraging ‘casual’ intruders".
Are radio waves safe?
It might sound concerning to read that your new meter will beam out information on radio waves, but you are already exposed to radio frequency (RF) waves on a daily basis. Without RF technology you wouldn't be able to use Wi-Fi routers, garage door openers, or microwave ovens, not to mention cell phones and radio or TV broadcasting!
The good news is that, "digital meters transmit energy usage data using low-watt radio frequency (RF) waves that are proven to be safe and are well within the limits set by the Federal Communications Commission. Additionally, the World Health Organization has concluded that no adverse health effects have been found to result from exposure to low-level RF energy." (Rocky Mountain Power)
Then consider that the AMI meter only broadcasts periodically (totaling less than one minute for the entire day), and it does that from the park strip which is probably many feet and several walls away from where you spend your time indoors. In fact, according to Rocky Mountain Power, "the radio frequency from digital meters is so low that you could stand directly in front of one for a full year and still have less RF exposure than you’d get from a single 15-minute cell phone call. Altogether, this means that living in a house with a digital meter provides very little exposure to RF."
Special thanks to Rocky Mountain Power and Sensus from whom much of this information was sourced. The original documentation can be found here:,
Fiber Optic Installation
Phone: 801-686-2468
Connext Support:
All West:
Phone: 866-255-9378
All West Support:
What’s Happening in Washington Terrace City? Fiber installation is happening…any questions?
As a result of the construction going on in front yards and back yard poles, there have been a few questions regarding the installation of the fiber throughout the City, so let’s take a few minutes to address some of the questions we have received.
Question: Who are these people digging up my front yard and working in my mow strip?
Answer: These are contractors hired to install the fiber conduit for Connext and All West. The contractors are working in the public right-of-way.
Question: How are the contractors letting people know they are coming to my property?
Answer: The public relations team from Connext and All West are knocking on doors, placing door hangers, and making every effort to contact residents about the installation before construction begins.
Question: Who is responsible for repairing damage to my property?
Answer: Connext and All West will make any repairs needed to restore the property to its pre-construction condition. They take pictures before construction to make sure they get it right.
Question: How much did the City have to pay to provide fiber infrastructure in the City?
Answer: No cost to the City. The Mayor and Council are committed to bringing fiber infrastructure to the City at no cost or obligation to the tax payors.
Question: Do I have to sign up for fiber when it is installed past my house?
Answer: No, the fiber is there if you want it, but you have no obligation to connect.
Question: Why are there so many paint marks on my property?
Answer: Blue Stakes is required to mark all underground utilities before any excavation in the construction area.
Question: Where are the public easements on my property and can the fiber company install the line without permission?
Answer: The contractor will make every reasonable effort to contact residents to let them know that work will begin. The location of public easements on your property is tied to the deed and is recorded on the plat documentation. The size and location of these easements varies across Washington Terrace. This information is publicly available and can be found on the following Weber County Websites:
Weber County Geo-Gizmo Parcel Map
Question: How can I contact the contractor if I have a question regarding the installation and the potential for service?
Answer: You can contact All West and Connext through their web page, phone, or email.