
Recommended Methods for Storm Water Protection

Storm Water Pollution Prevention

In Washington Terrace City, storm water flows through storm drains directly to creeks and rivers with NO TREATMENT. Water quality can be affected by a number of natural elements as well as chemical elements introduced by humans. 

What kind of contaminants might reach our rivers and streams?

Contaminants resulting from unwise landscaping practices such as over applying or over watering might include: dirt, leaves, grass clippings, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides.

Chemicals from household products from washing your car, painting, or household cleaners.

Toxins such as oil or antifreeze that may leak from your car

Local recreation areas are affected by storm water contamination and can result in harmful situations for humans and wildlife.
These areas include the Weber River, Ogden River (including North, Middle & South Fork), and Pineview Reservoir, among others.

Are You Polluting Lake and Streams?

Pet Owners... When you clean up after your pet, do you dump the waste in the street or storm drainage system? Do you leave it to decay on the sidewalk or on the parkway? If so, you may be causing pollution or health problems.

Pollutants from improperly disposed pet waste may be washed into the storm drainage system by rain or melting snow. Storm runoff in Weber County receives NO treatment.

  • When pet waste is washed into lakes or streams, the waste
    decays, using up oxygen and releases ammonia. Low oxygen
    levels and ammonia combined with warm temperatures kill fish.
  • Pet wastes also contain nutrients that encourage weed and algae growth. Overly fertile water becomes cloudy and green–
    unattractive for swimming, boating, and fishing.
  • Perhaps most importantly, pet waste can carry diseases which could make water unsafe for contact.

What Can You Do?

Cleaning up after you pet can be as simple as taking a plastic bag or pooper scooper along on your next walk. What should you do with the waste you pick up? No solution is perfect, but we recommend two:

  1. Flush It down the toilet. 
    • The water in your toilet goes to a sewage treatment plant that removes most pollutants before the water reaches a river or stream.
      • To prevent plumbing problems, don't flush debris or cat litter. Cat feces may be flushed but used litter should be put in a securely closed bag in the trash.
  2. Put waste in a securely closed bag and deposit it in the trash.
      • Because pet waste may carry diseases, you should not bury it in a vegetable garden. Do not put waste in a compost pile. The pile will not get hot enough to kill disease organisms in the waste.

Spill Response

Dial 911


Washington Terrace Public Works Department
(801) 395-8289


Weber-Morgan Health Department
Daytime: (801) 399-7160
24-Hour: (801-399-7169)


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