
Washington Terrace City has developed a Snow Removal Priority Map that identifies the priority of each road. First priority: Higher traveled streets/Main Roads, school zones. Second priority: subdivision/residential areas. Third priority: cul-de-sacs, dead ends, parking lots and sidewalks. Each storm is evaluated by its unique weather conditions, duration, current and forecasted temperature, time of day, and future forecast. All of these conditions will dictate how the snow removal efforts will be handled.


  • Place garbage containers out for pick up the morning of garbage day (Wednesdays by 6:00am, or other days depending on holidays) and remove garbage containers ASAP after they are dumped.
  • Remove obstacles from the street. Basketball standards, trailers, etc.
  • Clear your sidewalks within 24 hrs. after the storm


  • Park in the street during a snow storm or between 1:00 am-5:00am from Dec. 1st –March 1st
  • Throw snow back into the street
  • Stack snow on corners, blocking the sidewalk or the right-of-way
  • Attempt to stop or communicate with snow plow drivers




Q: When does the city start plowing the streets?

A: Each storm could be different. The ideal situation is to begin after the storm is finished. Otherwise, the general rule is 2” of snow or greater. Colder temperatures may call for a quicker response. 

Q: Why do I get snow pushed back into my driveway after I have cleared it?

A: The City is responsible to remove the snow from the streets throughout the city. In order to provide a safe traveling environment, snow plows must push the snow to the edge of the road “curb to curb”. Streets without park strips or sidewalks attached to the curb will not be plowed “curb to curb” to avoid placing snow on the sidewalk.Corners and bends in the road can make it very challenging to control where the snow goes. Maneuvering around parked cars and obstacles in the road also provides a challenge. If you clear your driveway and the road has NOT been completely cleared yet, keep in mind the snow plow will be returning and may push snow back into your driveway. The snow plow may make several passes to clear the street.

Q: Can I throw snow that is in my driveway back into the street?

A: NO. It is unlawful to place snow into the right-of-way. If using a snow blower to clear a driveway or sidewalks do not blow the snow onto the road.

Q: How often will the snow plow come down my street?

A: This depends on the duration of the storm, but least once each storm. High priority streets, main streets and school areas may get plowed several times during one storm.

Q: What is my responsibility?

A: Residents are responsible for removing snow from the sidewalks that border their property on all sides, cleaning an accessible path to the right-of-way, and making sure their mail box is accessible within 24 hrs. after the storm.

Q: Can the snow plow driver clean out my driveway?

A: NO. Snow plow drivers are prohibited from going on to private property.

Q: Can I park my car in my yard during the winter months?

A: Yes, the city ordinances allows residents to park on “soft surfaces” during the winter. See city ordinance 10.16.050 Winter Parking Regulations.