
Recommended Methods for Storm Water Protection

Storm Water Pollution Prevention

In Washington Terrace City, storm water flows through storm drains directly to creeks and rivers with NO TREATMENT. Water quality can be affected by a number of natural elements as well as chemical elements introduced by humans. 

What kind of contaminants might reach our rivers and streams?

Contaminants resulting from unwise landscaping practices such as over applying or over watering might include: dirt, leaves, grass clippings, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides.

Chemicals from household products from washing your car, painting, or household cleaners.

Toxins such as oil or antifreeze that may leak from your car

Local recreation areas are affected by storm water contamination and can result in harmful situations for humans and wildlife.
These areas include the Weber River, Ogden River (including North, Middle & South Fork), and Pineview Reservoir, among others.

What Can You Do?

General Practices:

  • Take tree & grass trimmings to the Weber County Transfer Station, 867 West Wilson Lane Ogden, Utah 84401. For more information call (801) 399-8803 or visit their website.
  • Plant ground cover to stabilize erosion, and use compost for a natural fertilizer.
  • Use biodegradable pesticides, herbicides, and cleaners.
  • Never use the gutter or storm drain system for disposal of household or garden waste.
  • Remove all pet waste from yard and curb and dispose of in trash to prevent spread of bacteria.
  • Store pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals indoors, in a shed, or storage cabinet.
  • Wash household tools over grassed area away from curbs and gutters.
  • Clean leaves, sediment, and trash out of gutter and dispose of in garden or trash.

Landscaping & Garden Maintenance:

  • Control erosion on your property by planting groundcover and stabilizing erosion-prone areas.
  • Use up pesticides. Rinse containers and use rinse water as product. Dispose of rinsed containers in the trash
  • Collect lawn and garden clippings, pruning waste, and tree trimmings. Chip if necessary and compost.
  • Sweep and collect dirt from driveways or walks and dispose of in garden.
  • Apply lawn and garden chemicals sparingly and according to instructions. Rinse containers and dispose of in trash.

Pool & Spa Maintenance:

  • Never discharge pool or spa water into a street or storm drain
  • When emptying a pool or spa, let chlorine dissipate for a few days, then recycle/reuse it by draining it gradually onto a landscaped area.
  • Do not use copper-based algaecides unless absolutely necessary. Copper is an especially strong herbicide and doesn’t degrade to less toxic forms quickly. Control algae with chlorine or other alternatives.
  • Perform regular inspections to detect leaks.
  • Try to keep the water in the pool.

Spill Response

Dial 911


Washington Terrace Public Works Department
(801) 395-8289


Weber-Morgan Health Department
Daytime: (801) 399-7160
24-Hour: (801-399-7169)


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